St. Gilesi kirik Londonis Inglismaal. Räägib saate autor Helgi Erilaid. Muusika: Richard Thompson - Beatnik walking (Richard Thompson); Bryan Ferry - Just one of these things (Cole Porter); Screaming Lord Sutch - Jack the ripper ( Stacy, Haggin, Simmons); Ezra Furman - Lousy connection (Furman); Blake Mills - Seven (Mills); Dean McPhee - Smoke and Mirrors (Dean McPhee); JD McPherson - Signs & Signifiers (McPherson); Taverner Consort, Choir & Players - Gloria in excelsis Deo (Vivaldi); The Kinks - Sunny afternoon (Ray Davies); Chris Farlowe - Out of time (Jagger, Richard); Los Lobos - Somewhere in time (Los Lobos); Dr. John - Big Shot ( Malcolm Rebennack); Mariachi El Bronx - My love (Mariachi El Bronx); Dr Dog - Distant Light (Dr. Dog)